Welcome in Sicily in Roccamena
Sicily, a land of great equestrian traditions, preserves in its culture the love for horses and the cult of beauty. On the island, the presence of the Arabian Horse is essential; perhaps what has been lacking is a significant breeding project, as often happens in Italy.

About us

Sicily, a land of great equestrian traditions, holds in its culture a love for horses and the worship of beauty. Therefore, the Arabian Horse is indispensable on the island; however, a significant breeding project may have been missing: as is often the case in Italy, the breeding of the Arabian is the result of a passion that leads to small, improvised attempts lacking the breeder's essential characteristic: patience, organization, and presence in the broader market in search of quality.

From this awareness stems the program of a completely new breeding initiative, but born with many clear ideas, in Roccamena—a small, characteristic town in the hills around Palermo. Two young friends, Moscarelli Angelo and Antonino Graffato, who have always been enchanted by the Arabian Horse, are aiming at a very specific goal: to enhance the quality of Arabian breeding and to propose Sicilian breeding of international level with the help of the entire MG Arabians Training Center team.

Proprio da questa consapevolezza deriva il programma di un allevamento tutto nuovo, ma nato con tante idee molto chiare, a Roccamena un piccolo caratteristico paese nelle colline circostanti di palermo,
Due giovani amici Moscarelli Angelo ed Antonino Graffato, da sempre innamorati dal Cavallo Arabo, stanno puntando ad un obiettivo ben preciso: quello di migliorare la qualità dell’allevamento Arabo e proporre allevamento siciliano del livello internazionale con l’aiuto di tutto il team Mg arabians training center.